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Family Holiday Charity is here to help families facing tough times. There are currently over 2.2 million families with dependent children in the UK, unable to afford a 1-week holiday. 

For some, facing loneliness and isolation, long term illness and learning to live again after bereavement, a holiday is a vital glimmer on the horizon.  A chance to take space away from difficult situations, reflect and return refreshed and with a new perspective. Family Holiday Charity can only help families like these with your support.  

2 boys play with the sand on their family holiday

“I just felt free, I can't tell you the feeling that when I stepped out into the sun when we first arrived.
And to feel the sand and the breeze and it was just like, wow, and the boys were so happy.
It was such a good environment for them to be”

Donations that will make a difference. 

Whether you choose to give a one-off or a regular donation, your gift will be gratefully received.  

Regular gifts allow us to plan and make long-term commitments to support families facing tough times. With this consistent income, we can provide much-needed holidays to families who need them most. 

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£5.00 per month

Over a year, your gift would pay the petrol costs for a family to be able to access a break. 

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£20 per month

will provide food and treats for children while they’re away. 

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£60 per month

over a year, your donation will give a family a holiday. Possibly their first ever! 

The stats are clear. Of the 1,107 families we supported in 2023:  

  • 92% said their holiday had a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of their family.  
  • 83% said their holiday helped their family to feel more optimistic about the future. 
  • 88% said their holiday had a positive impact on their ability to deal with the challenges they face as a family. 

Other ways to donate to charity 

Donate to Family Holiday Charity online, give us a call on 0203 117 0650 or send us an email at if you’d like to give in another way.   

Our Impact

Demand for a moment away from it all has never been higher. The impact of that time in bringing hope and confidence to face the future has never been stronger.

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