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Family Stories

Every family needs time together to have fun, try new things, and see each other smile. We know that families who get away together, grow together – into stronger happier, and more confident families.

But for families going through really tough times, going on holiday can feel out of reach. Even a short break can make the world of difference to a child who’s never seen mum smile, shared laughter with their family, or spent a whole day having fun.

Emma's Story

Emma was diagnosed with incurable breast cancer alongside lesions on her liver. She has also been living with mental health challenges for years. This holiday has given Emma and her family a break with no cancer or sadness, but pure joyful memories they will never forget.

Stacy's Story

Single mum Stacy has overcome her anxiety and discovered comfort and strength on their first seaside holiday to Morecambe with her three children. This family trip has given Stacy and her kids memories, and something for them to tell their friends about when they got home.

Kate's Story

Kate and her granddaughter, Kayla had a transformative holiday in Clacton-on-Sea. The getaway has given them a much-needed opportunity to grieve together and bring a sense of release and joy after the tragic loss of Kayla’s mother.

Rebecca's Story

Rebecca and her sons were facing constant struggles, but a few days holiday gave them a much-needed break. Elijah’s confidence grew, Alistair thrived, and Rebecca had time to relax.

Erika's Story

Erika's daughter Evie was diagnosed with a heart condition before she was born and as a result has extremely complicated health needs. Their holiday, along with 10-year-old Noah, gave them a chance to relax.

Pinkie's Story

The last decade has been challenging for Pinkie. She lost her partner eight years ago when Leah was still very small and her son only nine. Their family holiday meant that Pinkie and her children felt relaxed, and it brought them together as a family.

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