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Holiday Moments

It’s the magic of small moments that can make a holiday extraordinary.

For hundreds of thousands of families in the UK, moments like seeing the grin on their child’s face when they win on the penny machines or hearing the squeals when the sea washes over their little feet, is just out of reach.

It’s not about jetting off somewhere where white sandy beaches and blue skies are guaranteed – it’s about the opportunity to step away from the day to day routine, to experience something new, to play, to just ‘be’, together as a family, just for a little while.

A moment can make a lifetime of difference. 

Family Holiday Charity helps families to have a holiday. Those who are facing life’s toughest challenges, such as mental health issues, domestic abuse, and homelessness. Every family needs time together to have fun, try new things, and see each other smile. We know that families who get away together, grow together – into stronger happier, and more confident families.

Make the magic of a moment happen.

More Holiday Moments

Gillian's Story

Grandmother Gillian is sole carer of her two granddaughters. After her husband passed away, their holiday gave the family the chance to grieve and discover their confidence.

Kevin's Story

Single parent Kevin has six daughters, and working 12-hour shifts a day, with only 2-3 hours of sleep, this has impacted Kevin physically and mentally. With our help, the family had a much-needed and stress-free holiday together.

Sabina's Story

Sabina's ex-partner was controlling, and made life incredibly difficult for both her and her 3-year-old son Dion, who has suspected autism. Their holiday helped them both grow in confidence.

Katy's Story

Single mum Katy and her 20-month twin girls enjoyed their first holiday in Morecambe. They created cherished memories on the beach, and gained confidence from the holiday.

Tania's Story

Tania and her two children have been adjusting to life without a dad, after he passed away following a heart attack. Their holiday to the Isle of Sheppey gave the family their first opportunity to relax and smile for a long time.

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