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Complaints Policy

Family Holiday Charity is committed to ensuring that all our engagement with our families, referrers, our supporters, and the public are of the highest possible standard. We listen and respond to the views of the public and our supporters so that we can continue to improve.

We are committed to resolving your complaint as quickly as possible, and to handling your complaints fairly and with impartiality.

This policy details how we receive and manage complaints.

1. Aim of the Complaints Policy.

a) It is as easy as possible to make a complaint. 
b) You are aware of our complaint logging and handling processes.
c) Both you and our staff understand our complaints handling process.
d) We learn from complaints, use them to improve, and monitor them at our Senior Management Team and Board 
e) We respond accordingly – for example, with an explanation, or an apology where we have got things wrong and information on any action taken. 

Any complaint will be:

• Investigated impartially with a balanced view of all information or evidence.
• Considered on its merits, considering individual circumstances and needs.
• Treated seriously whether it is made by telephone, letter, email or in person.
• Dealt with quickly and politely


2. Definition of a Complaint.

In this policy a complaint means an expression of dissatisfaction. This could be by a referrer, family, supporter, or a member of the general public relating to any service provided by us. 

3. How a complaint can be made

If you are dissatisfied with the service provided by us, you should in the first instance consider speaking directly with the staff member/s you have been dealing with. If you are uncomfortable with this or consider the relevant staff member is unable to address your concerns, you can lodge a complaint with us in one of the following ways:

a) By telephoning us on 020 3117 0650
b) By writing to us: Family Holiday Charity, Canopi, 82 Tanner Street, London SE1 3GN
c) By emailing us at
a) In person by speaking to any of our management or staff 

Anonymous complaints will be investigated depending on the nature and severity of the complaint, but our preferred


4. Information required to support a complaint.

When we are investigating a complaint, we will be relying on information provided by the person making the complaint and information we may already be holding. 

We may need to contact you to clarify details or request additional information where necessary. 

To help us investigate your complaint quickly and efficiently we will ask you for the following information: 

a) Your name and contact details. 
b) The nature of the complaint.
c) Details of any steps you have already taken to resolve the compliant.
d) Copies of any documentation which supports the complaint.
e) Details of conversations you may have had with us that may be relevant to the complaint.

5. Recording Complaints

When taking a complaint, we will record:

a) your name and contact details
b) all details of your complaint including the facts and the cause/s of your complaint, 
c) the outcome of the complaint 
d) any actions taken following the investigation of your complaint. 
e) all dates and times relating to actions taken to resolve the complaint and communications between us. 

On an ongoing basis, complaints will be monitored for any identifying trends by management and rectification/remedial action taken to mitigate any identified issues. 

6. Data Protection

Please either click on or type this link into a web browser. This will direct you to our privacy policy which clearly outlines how we treat and protect your data. If you raise a complaint, we will record your personal information solely for the purposes of addressing your complaint. If you are already as supporter, supplier or other person who receives information from us, this will continue.

7. Feedback.

We are committed to resolving your issues at the first point of contact; however, this will not be possible in all circumstances, in which case a more formal complaints process will be followed. 

a) We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five (5) working days.
b) Once your complaint has been received and acknowledged, we will undertake an initial review of your complaint. This review will be conducted by a competent member of staff. The review may take up to twenty (20) working days.

There may be circumstances during the initial review or investigation of your complaint where we may need to clarify certain aspects of your complaint or request additional documentation from you. 

In such circumstance we will explain the purpose of seeking clarification or additional documentation and provide you with feedback on the status of your complaint at that time. 

We are committed to resolving your complaint within twenty (20) business days from the formal acknowledgment of your complaint, however, this may not always be possible on every occasion. 

Where we have been unable to resolve your complaint within twenty (20) working days, we will inform you of the reason for the delay and specify a date when we will be able to finalise your complaint.

If we have sought clarification or additional documentation from you and we are waiting on you to provide this information, we may not be able to meet our twenty working day finalisation commitment. In such circumstances upon receipt of your clarification or additional documentation we will indicate to you when we expect to be able to finalise your complaint. 

Once we have finalised your complaint, we will advise you of our findings and any action we have taken. We will do this in writing, unless it has been mutually agreed that we can provide it to you verbally. You have the right to make enquiries about the status of your complaint at any time by contacting us.

8. Complaints about employees or volunteers.

If you complain about a member of our staff or a volunteer, we will treat your complaint confidentially, impartially, and equally (giving equal treatment to all people). 

We will investigate your complaint thoroughly by finding out the relevant facts, speaking with the relevant people and verifying explanations where possible. 

We will also treat our staff member or volunteer objectively by: 
b) Informing them of any complaint about their performance.
c) Providing them with an opportunity to explain the circumstances.
d) Providing them with appropriate support.
e) Updating them on the complaint investigation and the result.


9. Complaint's escalation process.

If you are not happy with our response, you may get in touch again by writing to the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will ensure that your appeal is considered at the appropriate level and will respond within 20 working days of this consideration.

•    Please write to Kat Lee, Chief Executive, Family Holiday Charity, Canopi, 82 Tanner Street, London SE1 3GN

We are covered by the Fundraising Regulator (FR), if you feel that we have not satisfactorily solved your complaint and it is about fundraising, you can contact the regulator by clicking here or type into a web browser: .

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