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Family Story Permission Form

Why we ask to share your story?

Stories help us to explain why families need a holiday and the benefit and impact of a holiday. This is important so we offer good experiences, and so that we can raise money so more families can go away! 

Please note that by completing this form, this is not an application for a holiday. For more information on how to apply for a holiday, click here.

Our commitment

When you share your story, we recognise our responsibility to use your story:

  • in the ways you agree to share it (as you select below)
  • for the time you agree, (unless otherwise noted, 3 years from the date you sign this agreement)
  • for asking again if we would like to continue to use your story
  • for telling your story with respect and integrity.

Who can share my story?

Your ‘story’ means any photos, quotes, comments, videos, drawings or audio from or featuring you. You may have sent in your story, or we may have talked to you directly.

Please complete our permissions form below, or alternatively you can download a copy and email it to us

Family Holiday Charity can share my story in the UK in the following ways:
  • In print (on posters, banners or leaflets) 
  • Online (in email newsletters or on website) 
  • At events (such as presentations, talks or fundraisers, with partners, suppliers etc and to encourage fundraising) 
  • On social media (including Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and LinkedIn and so on, or social media adverts on those channels)
  • With fundraisers who are raising funds for the charity and undertaking events or activities to raise funds
Family Holiday Charity can share my story with local and national media:
  • TV/Radio
  • Newspapers/magazines
  • News and magazine websites and social media channels
NB We will contact you if a specific interview request is made to talk to you and before sharing contact information or detail of your story.  
Family Holiday Charity can share my story with ‘third parties’ (eg corporate partners who are raising funds for the charity, suppliers offering holidays)
  • In print (posters, banners or leaflets) 
  • Online (in emails or on a partner’s website or via their social media channels)
  • At a partner’s event

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I understand that providing my email address means that Family Holiday Charity will contact me about the wider work of the charity, including campaigns, events and fundraising, and that I can unsubscribe at any time.

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